Sunday 31 October 2010

Sunday morning walk

Got up early and went for a walk on Chase, beautiful morning, really misty. Positioned camera on a log pile to video the sky but it didn't work out as I had expected it too. It is a good thing really that I am just experimenting at the moment and it's not the real thing as I hopefully will know by  the time I take out the equipment from the stores at university what it is I will want to film.

Saturday 30 October 2010

more ideas

The sky last night (friday 29th october) was amazing, moving very quickly, which gave me an idea on filming several different skies at different times and each one could last for 30 seconds , fading one out and one coming in either in a particular sequence or jumbled up, have to put more thought into this, but I think this could work and it would be interesting to see how it played out with reference to my painting's.
Played back video I made yesterday sat on river bank and not sure it would work as there is too many different sound that have been picked up other than the water, so not that clear on what I am trying to do.

Friday 29 October 2010

Ideas for video

Went for a short walk to try to get ideas together for filming. Weather was fantastic, windy, leaves blowing and brilliant golds and reds. Just what I needed to do, sat at the side of the river which was quite fast flowing. Set the video in motion on a gate to keep it still. Captured the trees blowing and then focused on one particular plant blowing in wind. Put the camera (which is my own ) on the side of the river bank just to get the flow of the water.
One idea I have had is somehow attach the camera onto the side of my leg whilst actually walking to give the impression of the walk, but I need to think more about this as I do not want to just have my leg in the film, but somehow to capture the momentum of the walk, I think this could work well if it was put an angle to just film the floor.

Monday 25 October 2010

monday 25th october

Today was to nice to be in the studio, even painting, so I left earlier and caught the 2.00pm train and walked it back from the station. On the way home I began to think about how I could film a walk slightly different to a normal camera shot, maybe somehow attaching the camera to my arm or leg just to get a different pespective on these, so I think I will go out and just have a look what would be practical outdoors.
At the moment I am watching a programme about a charity walk to Machu Picchu and the scenery is spectacular.