Sunday 12 December 2010

Sunday 12th December

Can not book the hard drive out for monday, so I have to make a decision on the final piece. I think I am happy with whats on the final cut and therefore I will go ahead and produce it. More notes to follow next week.

Monday 6 December 2010

Monday 6th December.

The last session before hand in. Went through the format of fininshed piece of work and how to hand it in, one look at the sheet and that was enough to freak me out.( I think the look on my face is enough to tell Michael ). Just a quick chat to see where we all are with our work. Went into post production this morning to finalise the editing. Michael will come to the post production room to look at final piece before hand in, see Rachel to organise the production so both of us can be seen .

Friday 3 December 2010

Friday 3rd December

Booked into post production for monday, so will hopefully get the finished disc. Meeting on monday, this is the last one before submitting the work. Looking forward to seeing the finished myself and to see how I can develop this further in the future.

Monday 29 November 2010

Tutorial november 29th 2010

Explained to Michael about the final piece of work and the options created.
1. To put together the mini-clips, this would mean short clips of just a few seconds each, to make a total of approx 1 minute.
2. To run the cd  in three sections with breaks inbetween, although this option would be longer.
Probably need one more seeion in the production room, to finalise the outcome.
Everything going well with the module so far.

Saturday 27 November 2010

Notes from post production room.

Tape for full 3 minutes, large section of sky to start with, showing where I am in relation to walk.
Pieces put together-sky/walking on stoney path/walking through boggy groud/stoney path/boggy path/top of ridge/view over hills/ stoney path/sky at the end of walk. This runs for 3 minutes with no pauses inbetween.
Marked in the piece of work where the pauses are and run preview. Not sure about the amount of breaks in the piece of work. Reworked this to give me another option and ran piece for 1 minute, pause, 2 minutes, pause, and then the final minute. This is looking much better for the end result.Count the seconds between each piece of work.
What I am finding now is that I am writing more on this blog each time I make a new posting, ironic as I was so set against it. However I am still not comfortable with this way of keeping a journal, so my initial views have not changed. What has changed is that all the notes are far easier to be kepy all in one place.

Friday 26 November 2010

Friday 26th november

Post production room this morning to put together another piece for monday, getting a better idea for the final piece of work and how it is going to shape up.(write up notes later)

Monday 22 November 2010

Monday 22nd November Group Seminar

Good to get feedback from other students. Played the cd, worried that  it might not play back, but it did. Mini clips of the walk. Got to start thinking of how to put the final piece together so it doesn't become a narrative with expectations. A three minute clip might be too long so it is worth considering 3 shorter clips of just one minute each for finished piece to become an istallation. Placing the final piece at the height it was filmed at might be an option worth considering, will have to play it out and decide nearer the time. although the pauses inbetween each clip weren't intetional they could be relevant in the final piece as it gives the viewer time to time to adjust onto the next time piece. The sound quality wasn't too good on the computer so will have to take this into consideration and perhaps supply headphones for the viewer to experience the walk better. Everyone presented their piece of work , good feedback on all students work and some very interesting and powerful work from other students.

Friday 19 November 2010

Firday 19th November

Booked post production 2. This has been the most difficult of any module I have done. I have tried to follow the guide lines for putting the clips together and nothing has worked right, and I keep losing whats on the screen so I get really frustrated. After many visits to the help desk I finally managed to put together some sort of a mini clip together with a few ideas. Really  nervous about monday and what other students will think about it.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Wednesday 17th November

Attended the module for sound in the media centre, first half really straight forward and got some good sound to work from. The afternoon session, much more difficult because of being computer based, but again the notes are really good  that accompany the session. Really too much to take in all at once, but the effects are great once you start editing pieces out and putting other pieces together.

Monday 15 November 2010

Monday 15th November

Tutorial with Michael,, for next week, bring in some footage to work with and discuss with other students.
Went to the library and picked up book by Suzi Gablik-Conversations before the end of time. Started reading it on the train on the way home. Looks interesting so far.
Not looking forward to trying to edit the tape , but looking forward to end results and what footage will be put together, which might be very relevant to my studio practise.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Sunday 14th November

Research on Hamish Fulton, watched video's on Cairngorm's and the wilderness, the walks he undertakes are invisible objects, a walk is constructed with an idea and then the experience follows which is then the reality.Camping brings Fulton nearer to the wilderness.
Margate Walk- Is This Art? Fulton (2002) states "I am an artist therefore this is art".

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Wednesday 10th November

Went to North Stafforshire Moorland to see friend, took video equipment . Followed  all instructions from yesterday and ready to video the fantastic sun rise at 7.00am. Nothing happening, checked everything to no avail, there must be something simple that I am missing.
Set off to Curbar to walk round Curbar Edge and Froggatt Edge and had a good look at camera because it was such a cracking day and too many good opportunities. Finally cracked it after pressing just about every button on the machine.
Got some really good footage to work with,decided to hold it in front of me as I walked so the video camera gets a view of my walk from around waist height. Really wet and boggy so good sound affects.
Replayed footage when arrived back home, really pleased with the outcome, but gave myself a couple of options to work with, also filmed sky, so it will be interesting to see what final editing comes out as.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Tuesday 9th November

Attended the workshop for video cameras and lighting, easy to follow and understand. The afternoon session was a littli more difficult as it is all computer based, but the notes are well written and Liz who took the workshop had a lot of patience. Managed to book video and tripod out for wednesday so thats looking good for tomorrow and doing some taping.

Monday 8 November 2010

monday 8th november 2010

Indepedent study. Called into media centre to give verification of student card. Attending  the media crash course tomorrow which I am not lookinh forward to because they are too intense for the whole day, but at least wednesday I am walking for the day, just sorted it out with Ro and the weather looks finr for then so possibly get some good material to work with.
Watched really interesting piece on computer in morning meeting  about Sam Taylor-Wood.Autobiographical elements in her work, because of her own personnal experiences and what she has been through by using a camera to sum up her feelings at that particular time in her life. Although there is alot of video work I can't relate to, a piece of work by this artist where she has taken photographs and then added audio is really interesting. Another piece where 5 different pieces of work run together with the audio synchronised is really worth watching although I can't believe I am actually saying this about video art.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Video insert

Still trying to get to grips with this video insert. Not going to worry too much though if it doesn't work I will keep it on my camera just in case .

Friday 5 November 2010

Video Insert

Tried but unsuccessful to insert a video piece for Michael to view on the research so far. Will have to look into this further, come this far so might as well carry on. Registered with SISO,but need to take some sort of verification details into their office, so will do that on monday morning and try to book equipment out.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Lakes Trip

Trying to arrange a trip to Lake District for next week, this just might open up a few more options and it's also a good opportunity to go walking, Spoke to Michael yesterday , seem to be doing all the right things so that is good.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Sunday morning walk

Got up early and went for a walk on Chase, beautiful morning, really misty. Positioned camera on a log pile to video the sky but it didn't work out as I had expected it too. It is a good thing really that I am just experimenting at the moment and it's not the real thing as I hopefully will know by  the time I take out the equipment from the stores at university what it is I will want to film.

Saturday 30 October 2010

more ideas

The sky last night (friday 29th october) was amazing, moving very quickly, which gave me an idea on filming several different skies at different times and each one could last for 30 seconds , fading one out and one coming in either in a particular sequence or jumbled up, have to put more thought into this, but I think this could work and it would be interesting to see how it played out with reference to my painting's.
Played back video I made yesterday sat on river bank and not sure it would work as there is too many different sound that have been picked up other than the water, so not that clear on what I am trying to do.

Friday 29 October 2010

Ideas for video

Went for a short walk to try to get ideas together for filming. Weather was fantastic, windy, leaves blowing and brilliant golds and reds. Just what I needed to do, sat at the side of the river which was quite fast flowing. Set the video in motion on a gate to keep it still. Captured the trees blowing and then focused on one particular plant blowing in wind. Put the camera (which is my own ) on the side of the river bank just to get the flow of the water.
One idea I have had is somehow attach the camera onto the side of my leg whilst actually walking to give the impression of the walk, but I need to think more about this as I do not want to just have my leg in the film, but somehow to capture the momentum of the walk, I think this could work well if it was put an angle to just film the floor.

Monday 25 October 2010

monday 25th october

Today was to nice to be in the studio, even painting, so I left earlier and caught the 2.00pm train and walked it back from the station. On the way home I began to think about how I could film a walk slightly different to a normal camera shot, maybe somehow attaching the camera to my arm or leg just to get a different pespective on these, so I think I will go out and just have a look what would be practical outdoors.
At the moment I am watching a programme about a charity walk to Machu Picchu and the scenery is spectacular.